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오리온 17년 1분기 실적 발표 (램시마)

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게시글 정보

조회 8,258 2017/04/27 15:35

게시글 내용

17년 1분기 오리온 실적 발표 (오리온은 스칸디나비아 반도와 핀란드에서 램시마를 판매중)

- 2017년 1월 ~ 3월 핀란드의 사업 부문 매출은 케어제품과 램시마 판매의 호조로 7,200만 유로로 3% 증가.

(핀란드의 경우 올해 대체 가격 책정 시스템의 변화와 함께 끊임없는 경쟁을 하고 있습니다)

- 노르웨이의 전국단위 입찰 경쟁(LIS)에 따라 1,100만 유로로 6% 하락.

- 2016년 램시마의 매출은 Specialty Products 사업부 순매출의 상당 부분을 차지했습니다. 올해의 제품 판매량은 전년과 비슷할 것으로 예상.


1분기 램시마 매출 결과

오리온 top10 매출중 5위인 램시마는 전분기에 비해 -5.8% 하락한 11.0 EUR million을 기록했습니다.

악티들은 매출 하락이 램시마 판매가 안되냐고 따질텐데 위에 설명과 같은 이유로 약간 감소하였으며 두번째로는 노르웨이, 덴마크, 핀란드의 램시마 점유율이 한계치에 있습니다. 이말은 노르웨이 94%, 덴마크97%(16년2분기 기준) 핀란드 87%(16년 1분기 기준) 등 엄청난 점유율로 더 이상 올라갈 퍼센테이지가 많지 않다는 말이죠. 너무 많이 팔려서 문제네요 ㅎ

"Net sales of the Specialty Products business division were similar to the previous year.

 The halt to growth was due to changes in the market environment and ever-intensifying competition, 

for example in Finland, where changes were made to the pricing system for substitutable prescription drugs at the beginning of the year that narrowed the so-called price band. 

In addition, sales of Remsima, which delivered clear growth in previous years, were slightly lower in the first quarter than in the comparative period, mainly due to the timing of the national tendering competition in Norway.

Sales of generic products account for a significant proportion of Orion''s total sales, and price competition has continued in many markets. 

Competition in Finland, the most important generic market for Orion, will remain intense in 2017. In addition, at the beginning of the current year in Finland changes were made to the pricing system for substitutable prescription drugs by narrowing the so-called price band. The estimated negative impact of this change on Orion''s sales has been taken into account in the outlook estimate. However, product launches continue to support Orion''s position as market leader. In 2016 sales of Remsima(®) generated a significant portion of the growth in net sales of the Speciality Products business division. Sales of the product in the current year are expected to be similar to the previous year.

Finland, Scandinavia, and Eastern Europe and Russia are the most important markets for Specialty Products.
 The business division''s sales in Finland in January-March 2017 were up by 3% at EUR 72 (70) million due to good growth in sales of self-care products and Remsima(®).

Net sales of the biosimilar Remsima for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis among other things were down by 6% at EUR 11 million due to the timing of the national tendering competition in Norway.

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